Our Group

Different companies united for a single objective: perfect efficiency in Waste Management.

Dedication, perseverance and passion to bring new life to every kind of waste from the recycling process.

The ideal partner to face any type of challenge in Waste Management.

We regenerate precious resources while thinking about the future.

Environment, Hygiene, Safety.

Our Numbers



from 1/1/2023

Quantity of managed waste



Year 2022

Km covered



Year 2023

Fleet on the move



Average for Year 2022

No. of Employees

Sustainability Goals for 2023


Environmental Protection

Guarantees and responsible behavior addressed to operators in this sector have grown exponentially due to the high environmental impact caused by waste disposal. We must move towards measures aimed at preserving the ecosystem and city environments, in accordance with the relevant authorities and current legislation.

Energy management

Companies in the sector are called to pay greater attention to energy management to make waste collection and disposal processes more efficient. How a company manages its overall energy efficiency, its dependence on different types of energy, the associated risks and its ability to access alternative energy sources can influence its competitiveness and profitability.

Waste management and circular economy

Waste management companies play a key role in the circular economy by recycling and recovering reusable materials. By intervening on the final destination of the waste itself, environmental impact linked to the generation of waste and the production of materials can be tempered.


Health and safety at work

Risks related to office work and operational activities must concern all the staff involved and requires adequate internal organization, assigning right roles and responsibilities.

Quality, efficiency and reliability of the service

Searching for a reliable service with high quality standards and customer satisfaction are the guiding criteria to meet the needs of customers and the market itself.


Responsible governance

Setting up responsible governance, with environmental and social objectives well integrated within the business, will allow sustainability to be a real strategic lever. Therefore, it is essential to continue this process so that company policies and procedures integrate shared sustainability elements.

Fight against corruption

Corruption and fraud represent an important risk for companies operating in the waste management sector. This can significantly compromise the company's reputation and image as well as cause significant economic damage. It is important to organize ourselves in order to guarantee transparency and integrity towards stakeholders.